Sunday, June 26, 2011

Stampin' mojo? No go...

Sunday, June 26, 2011
Well.  I sat down to stamp today; it was the first chance I've had all weekend.  I sat there staring at a CARDS magazine, trying to get some inspiration to jump into my brain. jumping.  Then I had a idea to use my a gold shimmer spray on a card panel, over a stencil.  Yea, I liked that idea!  No.  Apparently, if you don't use it for a few months, the pigment dries in the sprayhead.  No go.  More staring.  I.  Give.  Up.

SO.  I decided to share a few more flower pics with you.   The sun was shining bright today.  The sky a gorgeous blue.  A light breeze.  One of those perfect summer days that we don't get enough of...IMHO anyway.  So, after hanging the freshly washed sheets on the line this morning, I wandered with my camera.  A couple of these shots are of the same plants that you saw in my last post.  But...more blooms now!  I love my flowers, I love nature.  Hence, the name of my blog!  I bet you'd already figured that out, huh?  Okay, enough rambling :)
Not quite fully opened.

I was so glad to catch this one before it fully opened.  It makes for an interesting shot.

These are the asiatic lilies again, but in the dappled early am light.

Black eyed susans and hostas.

Love the bi-color bloom.  Not sure where this came from, since I haven't seen this before???

A "young" coneflower bloom..



Coneflower -  more blooms than in my previous post.
Hopefully, I'll have a card to show you next time.  Thanks so much for taking a look!  I love visitors :o)

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